Expressing frequency in Italian (With examples)

 Hey guys, I hope you are doing awesome!

Today, some words in Italian to express frequency:

  • Usually: Di solito
  • Often: Spesso
  • Sometimes: Qualche volta
  • Rarely: Raramente (More straightforward this one hahah)
  • Almost never: Quasi mai
  • Never: Mai

Now, let's check it with some examples:

Obs: Words inside parentheses mean they are optional. You may use them or not, as you wish :)

I usually write poems

(Io) di solito scrivo poesie

I often sleep late

(Io) spesso dormo fino a tardi

She arrives late sometimes

Qualche volta (lei) arriva in ritardo

I usually don't sleep early = I rarely sleep early

(Io) raramente dormo presto

This one won't sound that English because it is more likely you are going to say "Rarely" but try to understand it anyway :) 

I almost never do the dishes

(Io) non lavo quasi mai i piatti

I never go to the grocery store

(Io) non vado mai al supermercato

Ok, that's it!

I hope you enjoyed it!

See you!



Greetings and small-talk in Italian

Hello everyone,

Today let's practice some Italian!

You know, when you are learning a language, it is always important to learn something useful. Something that may make a difference in your day.

So that's what we are going to do.

One common thing when you are abroad (And when you are in your country) is small-talking.

So, imagine this, you are outside, and then you meet someone and decide to do the famous small-talking (Pretty small, but most common that we may count)

       - Hey, how are you?

       - Fine, thanks. And what about you?

       - Fine too. Have a good day

       - You too! See you tomorrow!

Ok, that's simple, however, most common that we may count (We do this more than we think, and it is super-useful indeed.

So, how is it in Italian?

       - Ciao "Person's name". Come stai?

       - Bene/Tutto bene. Grazie. E tu

       - Anche bene! Buona giornata!

       - Anche a te! A domani (Ci vediamo domani)

Cool, isn't it?

Of course, you can have some variations in the greetings, like:

Come stai?-> Come va?

Bene -> Abbastanza bene(Quite good)

Bene -> Benissimo (Super good)

Bene -> Così e così (So, so)

Bene -> Male (Bad) (But certainly it wouldn't lead to small talk but to an extensive and deeper conversation hahaha)

A domani -> A presto! (Like: See you soon)

So, that's it!

If you like. it, please leave a comment below :)

Have a good day!

See you!

The day I watched a two hour presentation without actually seeing it

 Hey guys, what's up?

I hope you are doing awesome!

Today, I am sharing how I watched an online meeting without seeing the presenter's screen for the whole 2 hours of his presentation.

I've just changed my computer and I must use a VDI at work, which is a Virtual Desktop to do my job. However their meeting tools, like Skype. and Teams, are inside this external machine. So, I do the meetings not directly from my computer but through another machine.

Having said that, all kinds of issues emerge, like: sounds that can't reach people, low call quality, delays during the transmission, anyway all sorts of troubles that may happen in those situations.

Besides that, you must install additional software to improve the call quality and. give special permission to allow sound/screen transmission.

In my case, since I changed the computer to a different operating system I was supposed to do some stuff in order to make all features to work. However, up to that. point I didn't know that I had to do some stuff.

So, I was there in the meeting and the presenter started to share his screen and asked:

  • Does everyone see my screen?

And in my head I was like:

  • Noooo, I don't....

So I told him:

  • No, I don't

And he replied:

  • Did you do that on your computer?
  • No, I didn't. But don't worry, I will do it right now.

Well, I did it, and guess what? It didn't work.

What should I do?

a) Stop the meeting and tell everyone to wait for me to figure it out

b) Stop the meeting and tell them to do it another day

c) Don't tell anyone and pretend that I could see everything

Well, I went by option c.

Oh boy, that was so odd. 

Because I felt that I couldn't tell them because that was this urge to do the meeting at that moment, and considering the context, it would be vexing to say to them to postpone it.  

So, since I think I could pick it up later, then I decided to let it go.

(Come on, I bet you've already been in one of those situations where you let something go in order to avoid some uncomfortable situation).

Besides, I really felt that I could catch it up later by looking at the PowerPoint slides and source code.

So, it was a logical decision just to avoid some irritating situation.

I was only afraid if someone started to ask me something about what it was presented.

In fact, it kind of happened. The guy asked:

     -  Is it clear to everyone?

No one answered back, and the guy kept insisting on it. I really would like to say "Yes"; however, I would be lying.

So I escaped through a joke

     - Please, someone, say "Yes" to him, LoL. 

Do you see? Technically, I didn't lie. ahahahaha

Indeed, It was so lame to watch the whole 2 hours without being able to see what the guy was presenting, but it turned out to be just fine in the end.

So, that's it!

I hope you enjoyed it!

See you!

À la prochaine !


Inconvenient people: The opposite wingman

 I will start with an observation: This blog must have a theme because every day, I change topics.

Today we will talk about inconvenient people. Especially those who try to ruin your plan when you are trying to hit on someone.

Yeah, you read that correctly.

I must give a special thanks to those people because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have this post today.

Well, inconvenient people are everywhere and manifest in many forms.

However, one particular type that I hate are those who see that you are hitting on someone and decide to show up and be part of the conversation.

Isn't that horrible? Have ever that happened to you?

Picture this scenario: You are there getting along with this hot person and then this "friend" simply shows up, tries to the conversation and just doesn't leave. 

It happened to me a couple of times.

Ok, you may say

  • That person doesn't know he is being inconvenient

Well, some of them don't. However, some know that pretty well.

Somehow these people are just using a tactic that I would like to baptize as "Opposite Wingman".

An opposite wingman is well known for using the friendship/acquittance that they have with you to approach the person you are talking to. So, that's why it is called "Opposite Wingman", because they use you as their "Wingman" (That is a guy that is supposed to help you to have someone, but, they use you to have that someone instead).

In fact, they are cowards that don't have the courage/guts to approach that person by themselves and are utterly jealous of those who have the manners to do that. 

So anytime he sees you having some success with someone, they are filled with instantaneous jealousy and will jump immediately in the middle of the conversation just to feel what you're feeling. 

Depending on the person, he/she is just doing that to blow the whole thing away (As they were desperately in love with that person, so they couldn't ever allow you to have her/him).

The most incredible about it is how shameless they are! They feel no shame about using your friendship to do that, nor ruining the thing for you.

It is amazing how that has already happened to me:

You are hitting off with someone; then all those guys come out from nothing (like they were materialized) trying to ruin the thing (And the most amazing thing, you never see them talking to that person before, but suddenly there they are!)

Oh boy, how I do hate it...

Anyway, that's an excellent way to spot if someone is truly your friend or not. Because it must be a real jerk for showing up like that or just a true friend (A real gentleman) to leave you there having your time.

So, that's it.

I hope you liked it.

See you in the next post!

À la prochaine!

Au revoir!


Moses is dead

Yeah, true fact.

Moses is dead.

And that's what most Christians cost to understand.

If you are Christian, you probably already faced yourself with this big anguish about not making any mistake.

Do you know why?

Because as long you read the Bible, you become more aware of "right and wrong". 

Right from the start, you already have the 10 commandments that give you some awareness like:

  • You shall not have other gods before Me
  • Don't cheat (Don't commit adultery)
  • Don't kill
  • Don't steal
  • You shall not want something that belongs to someone else 
  • You shall not give false testimony (Don't lie)
  • Honor your father and your mother

(And so on)

Ok, let's be 100% honest; That is all good stuff.

It is everything about having a healthy attitude towards life and people.

And that's how Jews live. They follow all of that and a bunch of rules (Or at least they try it). Which is good.

However, Jesus in the Gospel of Mathew 5:17-27 gives a more profound meaning, saying that getting angry with someone for no good reason is equivalent to murdering. Also, if you look lustfully at a woman is already adultery. So, externally doing or not doing those things will only bring more consequences (Like going to Jail); however, in the eyes of God, it may not change.

So, if you are Christian, you must not only deal with the commandments but you need also to be a super /excellent person by loving God and individuals in a way that you won't violate anything (even in your thoughts).

Now tell me, who can live like that???

Truth be told, apart from eternal life, being a Christian is much worse than being a Jew. 

Because Jews only have to worry about not doing those things externally, however, they can do all of that in their minds.

(Like being mad, fill yourself with angry, willing to kill to someone or just by desiring a hot person)

Moreover, allowing yourself to think and share with others about a wish is much healthier rather than creating this huge repression to avoid thinking about it.

Thus, in those circumstances is much easier/better to be a Jew and follow the burden of the 613 laws rather than follow the Ten Commandments in your mind/soul.

I can say with considerable confidence that I struggled most of my life trying to be righteous and be the better as could to avoid some sort of consequences (Spiritual/Physical) because, in my head, there were two things that always made sense:

  • There is a God (You may believe or not)
  • There is some sort of Universal law. A law that goes beyond human statements, something that transcends what we must follow concerning our thoughts/feelings/actions towards others, ourselves, and the creation as a whole.

The Torah (Moses's books) and all the things said by the prophets were just a way to give some steps and enlightenment about how to behave towards this Universal law. How to act on the inner side and externally, let's say.

And once you believe in God and have awareness about how you should think and do in your life with people, then you will find yourself of being punished by this universal law. Because Justice requires Justice, period.

And that's why Christians struggle so much.


Because they know pretty well the "right and wrong" and are super aware of God's ideals.

They are still following Moses and the prophets (And a new set of new ones: Paul, Peter, James, and John). 

So, that's why they struggle.

You are carrying to much inside of you.

Despite my opinion that Paul's letters must be read according to the context, they can be really helpful in having some peace of mind.

Look at this part of the letter to the Romans:

Romans 7: 1.4

"Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives? 2 For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. 3 So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man.

4 So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God."

Thus, here is how Paul shows us the way out.

That the universal law is like a husband that you are bonded to him (Until Death). There is a bunch of obligations that you must follow in order to avoid being punished and bringing consequences to your life.

So, Moses and his gang are like a husband in this metaphor.

However, according to him, you were separated by death once Jesus came.

So, it is dead. Period.

Trying to carry this awareness and the obligations that come with it, will feel like having a husband and bringing something different will feel like an outsider in this marriage.

And that's where most Christian trip:

They can't accept that all of that is dead. They are still trying to keep the burden alive while trying to enjoy Jesus's grace once in a while,

Even Paul said:

"you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him."

So there is no more bond between you and this Universal law because the fee required from the punished has already been paid.


Look at this extract from the dead sea scrolls (There is also in the Tanach):

It was written by the prophet Isaiah 600 B.C:

Isaiah 53:

"Who can believe what we have heard?

Upon whom has the arm of the LORD--a been revealed.

Yet it was our sickness that he was bearing,

Our suffering that he endured.

We accounted him plagued,

Smitten and afflicted by God

But he was wounded because of our sins,

Crushed because of our iniquities.

He bore the chastisement that made us whole,

And by his bruises we were healed.

We all went astray like sheep,

Each going his own way;

And the LORD visited upon him

The guilt of all of us.

But the LORD chose to crush him by disease,

That, if he made himself an offering for guilt,-b

He might see offspring and have long life,

And that through him the LORD's purpose might prosper.

Out of his anguish he shall see it;

He shall enjoy it to the full through his devotion.

"My righteous servant makes the many righteous,

It is their punishment that he bears;"

So, please, Christians accept once and for all:

Don't live with the anguish any more

Jesus fulfilled the law and received all the punishment required by it in order to give us peace. 

Moses and the prophets are dead but Jesus still lives.